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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jesus Stuff

I overheard a student at the University of Alabama say yesterday,  “I’ve Got Enough Jesus Stuff”. Now she was at Get On Board Day and was walking down the church portion of those seeking to get the students to see that their cause was worth a student’s time. They were getting t-shirts, cups, water, drinks, biscuits, etc. There was a lot of Jesus stuff given away, but that statement just caught my attention. I think there are a few ways to think about that statement. Now, I saw her make it and I think I know what she meant, but I will get to that shortly.

Here are just a few thoughts about “I think I have enough Jesus stuff!”
Ω   You can have “Jesus stuff” and not have Jesus.
Ω   “Jesus stuff” can be good things like faith, hope and love.
Ω   “Jesus stuff” can be religious clutter getting in your way of really experiencing Jesus.
Ω   “Jesus stuff” can be just like all stuff that we have in our lives.

The students statement came off as a dig at Christians. I think she can be right at times. There are times when we are more concerned with giving away “Jesus stuff “ than we are Jesus. We want to give away our programs, events, churches, groups, opinions, denominations, etc and never tell them about Jesus. I think what many Christian organization did yesterday was one great way to reach the students at the UofA, but let us not stop there. Let us seek to give them Jesus. 

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