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Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Lesson Worth Reading

Below is the lesson that was taught at Men's Fraternity this morning. Everyone should take time to study it.
Some giant life lessons

1 Samuel 17 (read the whole chapter)

Goliath taunted the Israelites for forty days. God was setting the stage for a legendary victory.

David was just a boy and Goliath. had been in the army since he was a boy. (17:33)

Israel had become a nation dominated by fear. 

LESSONS FROM GOLIATH (He felt no need to go to Men's Fraternity.)

1. Self-confidence alone is a flawed philosophy. It is the thought that you don't need anybody. You don't need Men's Fraternity, church, godly friendships, or a deeper walk with God. Everyone loses sometimes. It cost G. his life. 

2. Pride will always lead to disaster. Prov 16:18 pride comes before destruction, Rom 12:3 

3. False god's will fail us. Goliath. cursed David by his god. Goliath. was spiritually blind. Be careful where you put your trust. 

4. Tunnel vision sets us up for deception. Goliath. only knew one way to fight and live. 


1. God's reputation must always be first. David was pissed off because the armies of the living God was being taunted. It was not his national pride but his spiritual commitment. In David's mind to attack Israel was to attack God. 1 Cor 10:31 

2. Confidence in God leads to success/victory. (17:37, 45-46). Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God". 

3. Balance is the key. David also brought his sling. The armor of Saul did not fit. He could not win trying to be something he was not. So he fought the fight in a shepherd boys attire instead of a warrior. BE WHO YOU ARE. remember John 15:5, "without Me you can do nothing". 

4. Opportunities come when we are prepared. Be prepared for all God brings your way. David had been practicing with his sling for years. Judges 20:16 is a story of snipers who used the slingshot. David had no idea he would be in a fight that day when he got out of bed and headed on his journey, BUT HE WAS PREPARED JUST IN CASE. 

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