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Monday, March 30, 2009

Who Should We Help?

Helping others is something we all can agree on. Everybody should help somebody! But the question that always arises is, "How do we know who to help?" Well, my easy answer has been that we should help those that the Lord tells us to help. If the Holy Spirit directs you to help someone you should help. Well, I totally agree with that, but what about everybody else? Luke 6:29-30 says, "If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you." If someone takes from you give them more? So, that would mean that if someone steals from you give him more? So, if someone on the street tells you a bucket full of lies and cries a bucket full of tears you should help him. Right? Where does it end? I think it ends at the end. Each of us should help who we can. Whatever you have means to do - do. Stop when you do not have the means to do it. So, if you have a dollar to give, give it. Quit trying to figure out if they are sincere or not. If you are so concerned with that, just give it all to your church and let them give it away. Give what you can and leave the result to God. I would add this. Give the message of God's love when you are the blessing of God's love. Never make the mistake of walking away with a quick, "God bless you". Light and salt are a huge part of God's blessing. You are the blessing. You are the help to the hurting. I have never had a dollar bill fall out of the sky when I was in financial need, but I have had God's church meet that need. Let us quit trying to justify our selfishness and be givers. Tell me what you think. 

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have been a Christian since Dec 15, 1985. During the years since, I have spent most of that time on church staff. I have had great experiences with church and some really hard experiences. Now, understand that when I use the word church I am talking about a local body of believers. There have been times when I have had great faith (trust) in the church and times that I almost lost my faith (trust) in the church. It has been a vacillating relationship. Right now I am having one of the best times of my life in my relationship with the church and especially with Lord of the Harvest. This week I have been building my sermon for Sunday and guess what my topic is - CHURCH. I have gained a much deeper appreciation for the local church during this study. I have a couple of quotes that are part of my sermon I want to share. 

J.F. Powers wrote in Wheat that Springeth Green, "This is a big old ship, Bill, She creaks, she rocks, she rolls, and at times she makes you want to throw up. But she gets where she is going. Always has , always will, until the end of  time. With or without you."

Archbishop William Temple said, "The church is the only cooperative society in the world that exist for the benefit of its non-members."

Brian Kay in The Relevant Church wrote, "It is impossible to be a follower of Christ and not be part of a local church."

St. Cyprian put it this way, "No one can have God as FAther who does not also have the church as Mother."

These are very high opinions of the church. We all know that Christ had a high view of the church as did the Apostle Paul. They saw the church as a living organism not an organization with its rules and codes. They did not speak of denominations or divisions in a positive nature. The body of Christ is His way to reach and teach a lost and dying world. A world in an amazing amount of hurt, uncertainty, confusion and chaos. The Church should be bringing answers to a world that has many questions. Answers of hope and future. Not answers of despair. The Church has a high calling. Let us, all churches and especially Lord of the Harvest, be Christ to the world. Your world is your sphere of influence. Let us work together to create and enable fully functioning followers of Jesus Christ. 

Who really needs church? Well, for one, I do.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

Belief Systems

It is amazing how some things are so connected that one cannot sustain itself without the other. Consider what I call the 7 Intrinsic Truths: God, Bible, Sin, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Church and Christian Living.

God loves you so He gave you His word, the Bible, which reveals our sin for which He sent Jesus Christ to die and be resurrected from the dead and He gave us His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) so that we can be His church and live the Christian life.

This is the system that God put in place so that each of us can achieve all that He has planned for our life. If your system of belief is off it affects everything. If your view of God is wrong nothing else is right. If your view of the Bible is wrong, nothing else is right. If your view of sin is off, everything else is off. If you view of Jesus is wrong, nothing else is right. If your view of the Holy Spirit is wrong, nothing else is right. If your view of church is wrong, nothing else is right. If your view of Christian living is wrong, everything is affected.

We all should take the time to make sure our belief system is right. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It has occurred to me that god is seeking space that He can use for His will to be accomplished. He wants MySpace. On the social network MySpace promotes itself as a place for friends. One can publish just about anything about anyone on MySpace. It is all about the person. What if MySpace (all that is mine) was His Space. What if my job, my house, my spouse, my kids, my cars, my money, my whatever was HisSpace to do His will? There has been a show that was entitled Changing Spaces. What if we just allowed God to come into MySpace and make it HisSpace? His Space to do His will! What changes would He want to make? What would He want to move around? What would He want to throw away? What atmospheres and environments would He want to chnage? Do we just come to God and stay in control of all that we call MySpace? It is clear that God loves you, loves you unconditionally, loves you as you are, but does that mean that He does not care about what MySpace is really like? I think He does. What do you think?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dry Spells

It appears that more and more people are determining that they are in a dry spell, valley or some uneventful place by some other name. Life is about highs and lows, good and bad, easy and difficult, dry and wet or happy and sad. Many seem to think that when life is not full of exciting emotion that everything is bad. But is it? Is it not in these times that one looks more insightfully into their past as well as their future. Realizing that some decisions in the past might be the reason they are experiencing this particular valley. Realizing if something does not change then nothing is going to change. During these times we seem to have a heightened sense of where we are. Are these not the times when God is most findable in who He really is? Are these not the times when we really realize where our hope is found? Are these not the times that determine who we really are and who we really trust? It is not the emotions of Christianity or life that I put my trust. It is in Christ and the truth of His Word that I have to trust no matter how I feel. Is there anything else one can trust 100%? Valleys are separated by mountains, so if one wants to get to the next mountaintop you have to go through the next valley. Keep your head up and climb my friend. (Read Psalm 42 and 63)