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Monday, March 30, 2009

Who Should We Help?

Helping others is something we all can agree on. Everybody should help somebody! But the question that always arises is, "How do we know who to help?" Well, my easy answer has been that we should help those that the Lord tells us to help. If the Holy Spirit directs you to help someone you should help. Well, I totally agree with that, but what about everybody else? Luke 6:29-30 says, "If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you." If someone takes from you give them more? So, that would mean that if someone steals from you give him more? So, if someone on the street tells you a bucket full of lies and cries a bucket full of tears you should help him. Right? Where does it end? I think it ends at the end. Each of us should help who we can. Whatever you have means to do - do. Stop when you do not have the means to do it. So, if you have a dollar to give, give it. Quit trying to figure out if they are sincere or not. If you are so concerned with that, just give it all to your church and let them give it away. Give what you can and leave the result to God. I would add this. Give the message of God's love when you are the blessing of God's love. Never make the mistake of walking away with a quick, "God bless you". Light and salt are a huge part of God's blessing. You are the blessing. You are the help to the hurting. I have never had a dollar bill fall out of the sky when I was in financial need, but I have had God's church meet that need. Let us quit trying to justify our selfishness and be givers. Tell me what you think. 

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