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Monday, March 22, 2010

My Take On Yesterday

It is always a great opportunity to see someone come to Christ through salvation. So, to be able to see Jonathon saved just 10 minutes before our worship time was a special blessing.

It was great to then be able to baptize three more as the service started. This year has been a great blessing seeing so many come to Christ and make it public through baptism.

I pray the message was challenging and moves us to realize and live out the live of liners. We are to move the gospel, love, resources and truth. This week let's make sure we do not just go in circles. Fight the tendency of a cruise ship mentality. It is not about what the church can provide for us as much as what we can provide as a church.

Last night was a powerful time of praise. It was so easy to preach after being able to freely go into the presence of God through praise and worship. It was a time that God was really moving in some lives. Oh to have a love so strong for our faith family that it causes us to long for each other.

This week just obey Him. In one of my devotions today it said:
If the Spirit of God has stirred you, make as many of your decisions as possible irrevocable, and let the consequences be what they will.

That is good!!!

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