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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can You Handle This?

It is 4:39/3:39 central time. I have not slept. Here is why.

As I sat in the Catalyst conference yesterday God was speaking to me in diverse ways about diverse topics. Everybody at Catalyst that tweets puts the hash tag #cat10 so anyone can see tweets that reference what is happening at Catalyst 2010. As I checked Twitter, I saw a tweet where a good, strong church is beginning it's search for a new lead pastor and I was intrigued. I have not sent a resume to a church since the early 1990's so I thought about putting a resume together and sending it to see what happened. Sometimes a fresh start is appealing. Then later in the day it crossed my mind to just start a new church and as people joined we would make it clear what the expectations were.

The first day of the conference was finally over and it was time for supper, a stop at Barnes and Noble for a little reading of THE MESH, then to the hotel for some sleep. A long day lay ahead on Thursday starting at 6/5 central and going until about 9/8 central. Well, I don't think I slept a wink. Either the Pumpkin Spice Latte, some one prayed foe rocks in my bed, God or me kept me awake. I have spent this night praying for my wife, Blake, Kristine, Luke (and his future spouse), Hannah (and her future spouse) and many members of Harvest Church. I spent time forgiving people who have hurt me. I have wrestled with God. I have laid stuff at the foot of the cross and picked it back up and laid it back down again. I hope I can leave it there. But here is the deal.

God began to give me visions. Vivid visions. Visions of what could be. Visions of what should be. Visions of people taking ownership of God's call on their life. Visions of people excited about their commitment to the Body of Christ. People excited about bringing a community to Jesus. A community without financial bondage. A community without grumbling and complaints. A community where everyone plays a part. A community of believers that allows God to use them. A community that surrenders to God and His plan for their life. I wrestled with God.

The part God made clear was all of these visions were for Harvest Church. They were not for another church or for a new church start. They were for Harvest Church. I cannot pour what I have seen into your mind. I am not sure I can even articulate all God has shown me. But I can say God has a plan for Harvest Church. It is not an easy plan in our strength but it is doable in His strength. I don't see where God called people to easy in the Bible. He called them to obedience.

It is my prayer that God gets a hold on the hearts of the faith family called Harvest Church and we would become a mighty army of Jesus Christ in the church and in the streets. I pray that every member of our faith family and those who have been our guest would wrestle with God and get His vision for their life and live it. I wish you a sleepless night with God.

What do you think?


  1. So much to think about. Thankyou.

  2. We find ourselves chasing our appetites instead of God's plan. Seek Him a d he will be found.
